A Guide to the Moons in March

March is a very potent month. March takes us through the Equinox from winter to spring. It takes us through the turn of the zodiacal calendar, from Pisces to Aries. March is bringing us through a major energy shift, and each of March's two moons plays an important role. Astrologically, we begin March with the sun traveling through watery, dreamy, ocean deep Pisces. On March 6th, we have our new moon in Pisces. Then on the 20th, the sun moves into Aries, we have our equinox, and the moon shines full in Libra.

Both Pisces and Libra are about oneness and togetherness. Libra rules partnerships of all kinds, from romantic ones to friendships to business relationships. Pisces, as the eldest zodiac sign, helps us transcend the self to embrace universal, collective truths. They both have to do with art, beauty, . You can think of Libra as an enchanting muse and Pisces as a deep and passionate artist. As we are also moving through a mercury retrograde for much of the month, we will be invited to slow down and consider our relationships and creativity of all kinds.

New Moon in Pisces :: March 6th

Generally speaking, the new moon happens when the moon and the sun occupy the same elliptical longitude. During this time, we cannot actually “see” mama moon with our eyes. Yet, we know in our hearts that she is there. In a similar way, the new moon illuminates what is deep within us.

The new moon is an optimal time for attractive, positive magic. Think manifesting, inviting in your desires, attracting your dreams. It is a time for intention setting, for going into yourself to see what you desire most of all, and speaking it into being in the dark incubator that is the new moon.

This month’s new moon takes places in Pisces, the deepest sign in the zodiac, ruled by dreamy Neptune. Pisces is the bottom of the ocean and the farthest reaches of the galaxy. It is all feelings and emotions, soul communication, fluffy pink skies, and exquisite watercolors. Pisces is the dreamer, the artist, the lover.

Pisces moons can sometimes be difficult, as Pisces energy is so watery and transcendent and can sometimes cause us to lose touch with our present reality. But if we can find a way to stay at least a little bit grounded, this new moon can lead us into the most healing and jewel-filled coves of us psyches. Pisces new moons are excellent times for healing, introspection, art, creativity, and love.

Here are 3 ways to work with the beautiful energy of this Pisces new moon:

  1. Daydream. During Pisces season, and particularly during the new moon, it may be hard to focus on specific, tangible things. You may find your imagination soaring, begging to take over. You may be feelings sparks of creative inspiration.  You may be feeling confused or muddled. All of this is okay, and in fact should be embraced! Give yourself permission to sink into the dreaminess of Pisces and see where it takes you. Deep healing or brilliant creative ideas may (and most likely are) where it will lead you.

  2. Flex your intuition. Pisces is mystical, numinous, cosmic energy- the perfect kind of energy for practicing your intuitive powers. Play around with divinatory tools such as tarot or oracle cards, read books on strengthening your intuition, figure out how your intuition speaks to you (Discover Your Psychic Type by Sherrie Dillard) and overall just pay attention to your gut feelings and trust them.

  3. Create joy. There is a reason why so many great painters, musicians, sculptures, and artists of all kinds are Pisces heavy. As a sign of depth and beauty and emotion, Pisces is the ultimate artist. This new moon is a perfect time to drop into inspiration and let waves of creativity guides you. Whether it’s making music, writing poetry, cooking, creating jewelry, painting, drawing, or even simply existing as yourself, take time this moon for your art.

Full Moon in Libra :: March 20th

The full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth than it was when it was new, allowing us to see the entire sunlit part of her. During this time, she is the closest to us, and we can see her brilliance shining down on us all night long. It’s the time of the witch, the great mother, the creatrix. A time of fertility and creation and embracing your wholeness.

This is an electric, potent time. It’s the perfect time to charge and electrify. Charge your crystals in the moonlight, infuse some moon water, go outside and soak up all the power of mama moon’s light. The full moon illuminates everything, making it a perfect time to reflect and release. It’s a perfect time to check in with the intentions you set at the new moon, see how they are progressing, and release any blocks you may have around them.

Libra is a lover. Libra energy is all about beauty, balance, partnership, equality, justice, diplomacy, and harmony. An air sign, Libra highlights communication and ideas. Ruled by Venus, Libra loves luxury and aesthetic beauty. This full moon invites you to luxuriate in the beauty and lushness of life.

During Libra full moons, the focus on on relationships and partnerships. A common theme that comes up during this time is finding a balance between self and other, between what you need and what others need from you. Libra has a tendency to people please, and this moon may illuminate anywhere where you are giving away too much of yourself. Boundaries and boundary issues may come up at this time, inviting you to come back into yourself and assess whether or not you giving yourself the nourishment you need.

Here are 3 questions to reflect on as the moon shines her brightness in Libra:

  1. Are you giving more energy to loving yourself, or to loving the idea of other people loving you? Are you looking for validation from other people rather than from yourself? What would happen if you decided to give yourself the love and validation that you so desire, rather than seeking it externally?

  2. Whose needs have you been prioritizing? If the answer is someone other than yourself, why? Are there are fears or wounds that can be addressed and healed around this at this time?

  3. How are your boundaries? Do you frequently feel overextended, exhausted, overwhelmed? If so, what boundaries would help you at this time, and how can you start to implement them?