Crystals & Herbs For each Chakra

Chakras are energetic power centers that run through the body. In Sanskrit, Chakra literally means disk or wheel, as we can think of Chakras as wheels of energy. There are seven primary Chakras which run through the body from the bottom of the spine to the top. Each Chakra is connected to a specific physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual state of being and development. When all seven Chakras are open, we will feel healthy, aligned, and flowing. When any of them are blocked or overactive, we can run into issues. Therefore, it is vital to keep these energy centers open and balanced.

As crystals and herbs are energetic tools, they are excellent allies in helping us to balance our Chakras. Each Chakra has a specific energetic vibration, and specific herbs and crystals can be used to rebalance them.

Root Chakra - I AM

Sanskrit name: Muladhara

Mantra: I Am - “I am grounded, supported, and abundant.”

Color: Red

Location: Base of spine

Key words: Earth, nourishment, nurturing, safety, family, home, strength, the body

Key issues: Issues of security and foundations (money, food, shelter), scarcity, ungroundedness, fear, anxiety

Crystals: Grounding crystals such as black tourmaline and hematite, smoky quartz, red jasper, garnet.

Herbs: Dandelion root, burdock root, chaga mushroom, oatstraw.

Sacral Chakra - I FEEL

Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana

Mantra: “Creativity is flowing through me. I am creative and free. I experience emotions freely and with ease.”

Color: Orange

Location: Lower abdomen, between the pelvis and the navel

Key words: Creativity, emotion, desire, feeling, pleasure, receptivity, sensuality.

Key issues: Difficulty receiving, guilt, sex issues, menstrual issues, difficulty expressing or controlling emotions

Crystals: Carnelian, orange calcite, moonstone, orange aventurine.

Herbs: Damiana, calendula, raspberry leaf, yarrow, hibiscus, rose hips.

Solar Plexus Chakra - I DO

Sanskrit name: Manipura

Mantra: “I am worthy of pursuing my passion and purpose. I am empowered and powerful.”

Color: Yellow

Location: Stomach

Key words: Confidence, self-worth, self-esteem, willpower, joy

Key issues: Power struggles, lack of self-confidence, shame, digestive troubles, lack of alignment with purpose, procrastination

Crystals: Citrine, tiger’s eye, yellow jasper, pyrite.

Herbs: Rosemary, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, anise, cumin, fennel.

Heart Chakra - I LOVE

Sanskrit name: Anahata

Mantra: “I am loved, loving, and lovable. I give and receive love with grace and ease.”

Color: Green

Location: Center of chest

Key words: Love, compassion, empathy, openness, relationships, inner peace and balance.

Key issues: Lack of self-love, imbalanced relationships, relationship issues, loneliness, self-criticism, a “hardened heart”, problems with the physical heart.

Crystals: Rose quartz, green aventurine, rhodochrosite, malachite, raw emerald, scolecite.

Herbs: Motherwort, rose, chamomile, damiana, hawthorn berry, jasmine flowers, honeysuckle.

Throat Chakra - I SPEAK

Sanskrit name: Vishudda

Mantra: “I speak my truth freely and with ease. I am in alignment with my truth. I speak with honesty, clarity, and intention.”

Color: Blue

Location: Throat

Key words: Communication, truth, honesty, authenticity,

Key issues: Dishonesty, difficulty conveying emotions or thoughts, ineffective communication, sore throat or other throat and voice issues.

Crystals: Sodalite, amazonite, blue lace agate, angelite.

Herbs: Red clover, lemon balm, eucalyptus, coltsfoot, peppermint.

Third Eye Chakra - I SEE

Sanskrit name: Ajna

Mantra: “I am connected to my intuition. I trust my inner knowing.”

Color: Indigo

Location: Between the eyes

Key words: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, clarity of thought, decision making

Key issues: Headaches, eye issues, lack of clarity, disconnection with intuition

Crystals: Amethyst, azurite, fluorite, lapis lazuli, shungite.

Herbs: Kava kava, passionflower, mugwort, eyebright, spearmint.

Crown Chakra - I KNOW

Sanskrit name: Sahasrara

Mantra: “I am one with the divine. I honor the divine within me.”

Color: White or violet

Location: The very top of the head

Key words: Divinity, oneness, connection with the universe and your higher self, spirituality, numinosity, manifestation

Key issues: Disillusionment, depression, disconnection, obsession, loss of identity or higher purpose

Crystals: Clear quartz, celestite, danburite, selenite, apophyllite, lepidolite.

Herbs: Lavender flowers, lotus flowers, bergamont.