Mabon the "Witch's Thanksgiving"

The crisp air and cooling breeze. Stillness. Quiet. The trees turning shades of deep red, burnt orange and brilliant gold. Soft sweaters and piles of cozy quilts. Pumpkins and acorn squash. The sweet scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Renewed focus and steady ritual. Calm. Turning inwards to tend to our hearts. Reflection. A slowing of pace. A deep inhale. A moment of balance, when day and night are once again equal.

The fall equinox falls on September 23rd. To witches, pagans, and others who resonate with the sacred rhythms of the earth, the equinox is celebrated as Mabon, the festival of the harvest. It is known to some as the "Witch's Thanksgiving," as it's a time to appreciate and give gratitude to the Goddess and all of the nourishment she provides. It's a day of abundance, traditionally observed by making wine and jam with the last of summer's fruit, preserving their rich sweetness for the rest of the year.

Seasonally, Mabon marks the beginning of fall, and signals the switch into the internally focused, waning moon half of the year. On Mabon, we move from an energy of action into one of reflection. We are now being called to rest and reflect, grounding back into ourselves and our sense of stillness. And just like the trees and the falling leaves, we are called to release anything that has served its purpose and is ready to go. What can you let go of now to make room for deeper peace?

After today, and all the way up until Yule, the nights will grow increasingly longer than the days. It is once again time to welcome the darkness and all of her potent magic and medicine. Mabon marks the descent into shadow season, when the potions start brewing and the veil between worlds begins to thin. We are slowly approaching the time of year when brooms fly and black cats talk, when our guides are near and spells practically cast themselves.

Below are a few ways you can connect with the magic energy of Mabon.

Create a Balancing Meditation Ritual

More than anything else, the Equinoxes are times of balance. The Autumn Equinox specifically is a time of reflection, restoration, and calm, and is a good time to begin a meditation practice. Working with Malas is a good way to focus your energy and anchor into your specific intentions. To call in the energies of Mabon, try meditating with Malas made with warm, earthy crystals.

Perform a Balancing Spell

Balancing spells are highly supported during this time. To perform a simple balancing spell, first gather an item to represent each of the 4 elements. For example, a candle for fire, a quartz crystal for earth, a seashell for water, and a feather for air. Find a comfortable, quiet place to perform your spell, then arrange the items in a circle in front of you. Place your water item facing west, air item north, earth item east, and fire item south. Then direct your attention to the middle of the circle, and recite the following: “Air, fire, earth, water, I call on you. As fall is to spring, as dark is to light, as masculine is to feminine, as day is to night, find Nature’s perfect balance within me, so I may live my life in harmony.” You may add in whatever you would like, and focus the spell on a specific area you would like to bring more balance into.

Drink a Warm Mug of Apple Cider

Apples are strongly related to Mabon, and to harvest energy in general. They symbolize wisdom, insight, and magic. Apples rule the heart, and it is said that apple cider is the most potent of all love potions. The addition of cinnamon can make it even more potent, as cinnamon is ruled by Jupiter and the sun, and will help bring balance to the coming darkness. 

Mabon Tarot Spread

As Mabon marks the beginning of a new phase of the year, as well as the start of the liminal magic of shadow season, it’s an auspicious time for a tarot reading. Get quiet, light a candle or some incense, and center yourself in your heart. Then pull 5 cards, one of each of the following queries:

  1. What am I being called to harvest?

  2. What am I being called to release? 

  3. Where am I being called to balance my energies at this time? 

  4. What message does this coming season hold for me? 

  5. What will help me move through that lesson?

Get still and journal on what comes up, and check in with what you wrote periodically over the coming weeks. 

Create a Mabon Altar

One of the most magical ways to observe a sabbat is by making an altar. You know I love altars, and Mabon in particular is a perfect time to create one that stills and focuses your energy. You can sit at your Mabon altar reflecting on the seasons past and preparing for the magic to come. Here are a few suggestions for what to place on your altar:

  • Crystals: clear quartz, amber, peridot, citrine, yellow topaz, cat's eye, red jasper, petrified wood, and carnelian, as well as any other red, orange, or yellow crystals

  • Herbs: sage, rosemary, thyme, mugwort, parsley, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, benzoin, and calendula

Other items: a cornucopia, a small pumpkin or gourd, acorns, fallen leaves, a red or yellow candle, apples, pinecones, small maroon or gold items, your favorite magical tools, a cup of fresh autumn rainwater,