The Lesser Know Chakras

Being a Reiki Master and Intuitive healer, I loooooooove everything about Chakras.

You probably know these seven Chakras: the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown.

What you might not know is that there are more than that. In fact, there are actually 114 different chakras in the body (as well as others throughout the earth and beyond), as well as over 70,000 "nadis", or energy channels, coursing through us. Understanding and being aware of these chakras will help you tap into new, powerful flows of energy.

✨Below are 9 chakras worth your awareness:

“Chakras are doorways to other worlds. When you focus on them, you step into something else.” Rama

Divine Gateway Chakra. This chakra is the highest point in our individual chakra systems. It is the point of complete ascension into the spiritual. When activated, we can freely and easily communicate with other dimensional beings and explore new energetic realms. It governs astral projection, channeling, open communication with our guides, and enlightenment.

Galactic Chakra. This chakra, located above the Universal Chakra, is also known as the "channel for prophecy." Its purpose is to connect us to and enable us to communicate with higher frequency beings like our guides. When opened it can facilitate the development of spiritual and inter-dimensional skills and abilities, including energy healing, channelling, and high-level manifestation.

Universal Chakra. This chakra is located just about the Soul Star Chakra. Its purpose is to connect you with the flow of universal energy, love, and connection. This chakra helps you tap into frequencies that help you develop and/or reconnect with strong healing and psychic abilities.

Soul Star Chakra. This chakra is located about 6 inches above your head, on the “stellar pathway”. It has to do with enlightenment, ascension, and transcendence. Sometimes called the “seat of the soul,” it's purpose is to bring divine light and higher downloads into your body and life. Meditation and higher self integration work can help open and activate this chakra.

Cerebellum Chakra. This chakra is located next to the Medulla Oblongata, the point where our spinal cord fuses with the skull, which forms the lowest part of our brain and holds the control center for two of our most vital organs, the heart and the lungs. Its purpose is to awaken us to our highest dreams and channel to us prophetic dreams and visions. It has been talked about by spiritual teachers such as Buddha, and can be activated through meditation and spiritual study.

Thymus Chakra. This chakra is located between your throat and heart chakras, on the thymus, the gland responsible for creating white blood cells to ward off disease and keep your immune system safe. When open it sends the energy out to all that you are in service to love. It works as a beacon of energy that tells the universe that you are open and on the path of love and light.

Higher Heart Chakra. This chakra, also known as the Sacred Heart Chakra, governs your feelings of oneness and interconnectedness with others. It is located on the left side of your chest, right next to your physical beating heart. The “higher” related to a higher consciousness, where there is no division between beings and we are all one. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will feel more tapped in to your role on this planet and more aligned with service to humanity.

“When you touch the celestial in your heart, you will realize that the beauty of your soul is so pure, so vast and so devastating that you have no option but to merge with it. You have no option but to feel the rhythm of the universe in the rhythm of your heart.” - Amit Ray

Core Star Chakra. This chakra represents the flow of the soul, and is located between the sacral and solar plexus chakras. Similar to the solar plexus, it has to do with your personal expression and role in this world, though is a more cosmic, numinous sense. Getting in touch with your soul's divine purpose and studying metaphysical ideas of the self will help you balance and connect with the core star chakra.

Earth Star Chakra. This chakra is located about 12 inches below your feet. Like the root chakra, it helps connect us to the grounding, stabilizing, life-giving energy of mother earth. It is connected to our physical wellbeing as well as our connection to nature and to our time on planet earth. Grounding practices, spending time in nature, meditating on the earth and helps connect you to this chakra.