A Guide to February's Moons

The month of February bring us two beautiful, transformational moons. Astrologically, we enter into the month of February in the midst of Aquarius season, a time of high-level intellect, forward-thinking, and radical individuality. On February 4th comes the new moon in Aquarius. Then on February 19th, right after the sun moves into watery, transcendental Pisces, Mama Moon shines her light with a full moon in Virgo.

As both Aquarius and Virgo deal with humanitarianism, healing, and giving of the self to others, this moon cycle is going to be one of expansion both on a personal and collective scale. Visionary Aquarius pulls at our cosmic heart strings and helps us to see the big, bold picture of our desires, while methodical Virgo helps us take the steps needed to enact those desires. Here are a few ways you can make the most of what these moons have to offer.

New Moon in Aquarius :: February 4th

Generally speaking, the new moon happens when the moon and the sun occupy the same elliptical longitude. During this time, we cannot actually “see” mama moon with our eyes. Yet, we know in our hearts that she is there. In a similar way, the new moon illuminates what is deep within us.

The new moon is an optimal time for attractive, positive magic. Think manifesting, inviting in your desires, attracting your dreams. It is a time for intention setting, for going into yourself to see what you desire most of all, and speaking it into being in the dark incubator that is the new moon.

This month’s new moon takes place in Aquarius, an air sign, ruled by Uranus. A sign of the future, and the collective, and the cosmic. A sign of deep compassion and sharp intelligence. A sign that embraces uniqueness and applauds innovation. A sign of justice, of intellect, of radical acceptance.

And so, that is exactly the kind of energy this moon is ushering in. Aquarius new moons stir things up, help you look at the world and your place in it in a new way, bring up dreams both new and long forgotten. This moon will help you break through barriers, connect with others on a cosmic level, and craft an even grander vision.

Here are 3 ways to amplify the energy of this Aquarius new moon:

  1. Be true to yourself! Take some time to reflect and journal on the following: Am I being true to myself? Am I living honestly? Is there any part of myself I am holding back out of fear of not fitting in or being rejected? How can I shine my own unique magic even brighter?

  2. Innovate. Aquarian energy is all about seeing things in new ways. Think of a problem you’ve been having lately that you just haven’t been able to solve. Use this energy to conjure up some new solutions you haven’t thought of yet. As Aquarius is a beautiful time for dreamwork, try this: before you go to bed on the night of the full moon, reflect on your problem. Then, simply ask yourself, mama moon, and your guides to bring you solutions in your dreams. If you desire help, call on some magical allies: herbal allies for dreamwork include Mugwort, Valerian, Kava, and lavender, while crystal allies include amethyst, lepidolite, celestite, and scolecite. To access their magic, simply make a cup of tea and sip it before bed, or keep the crystals on your bedside or under your pillow.

  3. Connect with others! Aquarius is one of the most social signs, and does well when surrounded by others. This new moon, take some time to connect with a friend or loved one. See what new ideas and creations you can dream up together. Aquarius energy is excellent for helping you connect with likeminded people, so if that is what you are seeking, check out local events or workshops you could attend to connect with those who share common interests and ideals.

Full Moon in Virgo :: February 19th

The full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth than it was when it was new, allowing us to see the entire sunlit part of her. During this time, she is the closest to us, and we can see her brilliance shining down on us all night long. It’s the time of the witch, the great mother, the creatrix. A time of fertility and creation and embracing your wholeness.

This is an electric, potent time. Generally speaking, it is the optimal time for purifying, releasing magic. It’s also the perfect time to charge and electrify. Charge your crystals in the moonlight, infuse some moon water, go outside and soak up all the power of mama moon’s light. The full moon illuminates everything, making it a perfect time to reflect and release. It’s a perfect time to check in with the intentions you set at the new moon, see how they are progressing, an release any blocks you may have around them.

This month’s full moon falls in the earthy, methodical sign of Virgo. The "virgin", ruled by Mercury, helps us parse out what's important and reconnect to the magic of consistent daily practices. Virgo is sharp and exact, perfectionist in a good way, focused and refined.

The full moon in Virgo helps us get down to the nitty gritty details, to refine and reshape our routines and rituals. The energy of this moon helps us get ourselves together, organize our lives, build up nourishing structures. It is an excellent time to focus on health (perhaps a time to make dietary shifts or indulge is some yoga), organization (clean your closets, wash the sheets, organize your herb collection!), and daily structures. Things like implementing a morning routine or beginning a meditation practice are supported now. It is also an excellent time to analyze what is and is not working in your day-to-day, particularly with regards to the intentions you set on the 4th.

Here are 3 questions to reflect on as mama moon shines bright in Virgo:

  1. Which of my habits are really serving me right now? How can I ritualize those to habits to make the most of them? Are any of my habits getting in the way of my flow? What habits could I replace those with?

  2. Write out your typical daily schedule. How could you rearrange things to allow more space for flow, ease, creativity, pleasure, productivity, and whatever else you wish to bring in?

  3. Find a balance between cosmic dreaminess and your daily, grounded reality. Are your daily actions in alignment with your grander desires? Are your habits helping you create the life you are dreaming up? If not, how can you adjust?

Reflect on these while standing outside in the light of mama moon (weather permitting) or sitting near a window. Allow her light to wash over you, helping you clarify and release.

Have a beautiful February!

This is a beautiful month, halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox, that can bring deep healing and usher in big transformations if only we work with the current of its energy. Let the magic of these moons assist you in creating your wildest dreams.

xo Alison