New Moon Intention Setting

On Saturday, January 5th, we experience the first new moon of 2019. And this new moon, taking place at 15 degrees Capricorn, is also a solar eclipse, imbuing it with an ever more potent energetic signature. We will be feeling heavy Capricorn energy all weekend, as Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and of course the sun are also lighting up the sign of hard work, responsibility, diligence, commitment, and goal realization. New moons in capricorn are beautiful times to examine our supporting structures and plans. What do we want? Where are we going? How are we getting there? Are your structures setting you up for success?


This moon comes at a time when many of us are going full force making intentions and resolutions and plans for this new year. Yet, how many of these do we actually end up keeping? And where are they coming from, truly? A place of fear and obligation, or one of alignment and intentionality? Making resolutions at this time is beautiful, but we are also very much in the yin/hibernation energy of the winter, meaning that slow and quiet reflection is still our natural rhythm.


So here is an idea. What if we harnessed the magic of this steady, structural Capricorn lunation to transform how we approach our intention setting? What if, instead of setting one hundred different new year’s intentions, we chose to set a single big intention at each new moon? How much grace and mindfulness could we inject into our intention setting by focusing on one single thing at a time? How much ease could we allow by working with the earth’s natural cycles? Through embracing the cyclicality of mama moon, setting intentions when she is new and releasing when she is at her fullness?


One of the most important, often overlooked elements of intention setting is releasing any resistance, blocks, or expectations. And when we work with natural cycles, we will see that the full moon offers us a beautifully potent opportunity to do this releasing work. If we set intentions with the new moon, then two weeks later we can check in with our intentions and release.


How does this look in practice?


New moon intention setting


On the night of the new moon, prepare your sacred space. Perhaps this just means lighting a candle and making a cup of tea, or maybe it means sitting at your altar and lighting some palo santo. Whatever feels sacred and right to you, do so.


Spend a few minutes thinking about your intention for this cycle. It can be as small or as lofty as you wish. Ask yourself, what am I feeling right now? What does my heart need? What is my soul longing for? Open your journal, grab a pen, and write out your intention. Really hone in on the feeling behind your intention, as embodying that feeling imbues your intention with even more power.


Once you have written your intention, close your journal and trust that the magic is taking place. The more you allow and release expectations, the more space there is for magic.


Full moon releasing


A very powerful way of releasing is to connect with the element (or elements) that resonate most with you:


Do you feel drawn to the fierce energy of fire? Write down all your areas of resistance, all of the blocks that are coming up, all of your expectations, and burn them in a fire safe pot. As you do so, visualize them being burned away by the flame.


Are you compelled by air, the quick moving element of insight and communication? If you live in a windy area or it is a windy time, step outside, speak your areas of resistance aloud and release them to the wind to be swept away. Or, release them using your breath. Breathe deeply, and with each exhale visualize your blocks being released from your body.


Is your soul drawn to the emotional, fluid realm of water? If you live near a body of water, go to it, stand or place your hands into the water, and ask it to wash away all of your resistance and expectations. If you do not live near a body of water, a bath or shower will work just as well. As you do this, visualize the water washing away all of your blocks.


Are you most connected with the grounded, steady earth? Try holding your hands out with palms down and ask Mother Earth to pull out all of your resistance and attachment to outcomes. As you do so, imagine all of the blocks flowing out of your body and into the earth.


When you are finished, thank the element or elements that you worked with, and allow yourself to be filled with space in which your intentions can continue to grow. Two weeks later, on the next new moon, start the cycle again with a new intention (or the same intention, if you wish the keep working with it!). In this way, like the moon, we continue in a cyclical, aligned path of growth and evolution.