
Abundance. What comes to mind when you hear that word? Perhaps it’s a vision of a lavish home, with a fluffy bed and a warm bubbly lavender scented bath in a clawfoot tub. Maybe it’s a thriving business and a comfortable bank balance. Or maybe it’s travel and being able to explore the places you’ve always yearned to. Or maybe it’s a deep, passionate love with a never ending supply of laughter and kisses.


In ways both subtle and overt, we are so often taught that we aren't worthy of abundance. That wanting us makes us selfish. That we don't deserve it because we're not smart enough, pretty enough, talented enough, desirable enough (and the list goes on and on).


Of course, that is completely untrue. We are all worthy of abundance, simply because we exist. You are worthy of abundance, just as you are in this very moment. An abundance of money and resources. An abundance of love and affection. An abundance of laughter, joy and pleasure.


Certain stones and charms vibrate with the energy of abundance. They can help you work through any blocks you many have-- beliefs, patterns, or conditioning you have that is in the way of freely flowing abundance. They can elevate your sense of self worth, activate your creative fire, and strengthen your will so that you can create your life of abundance. They can increase your personal magnetism, drawing greater abundance into all areas of your life. Below are some of the charms and stones which carry the powerful frequency of abundance.


Abundance charms


✨ Dragons are incredibly powerful in assisting us to make changes, especially the kinds of radical changes that are so often needed to shift into an energy of abundance. They help strengthen our confidence and personal power, light our creative fire, and help us shift into an energy of freedom and liberation.


✨ Goddess charms will help connect you to your juicy inner feminine core, reminding you that everything you have ever needed and will ever need can be found right inside of yourself. The goddess vibrates with the energies of intuition, pleasure, and receptivity, helping you to cultivate an energy of abundance from deep within.


✨ Any gold or gold plates charms are wonderful amulets for abundance, as the energy of gold is one of potent prosperity attraction. It helps align your own energy with the energy of wealth, thus attracting more wealth into your energy field.


✨ Fish are and have been symbols of abundance, sustenance, and always having your basic needs met. In the Gospels of the Christian Bible, Jesus feeds an enormous crowd of hungry people with just a few small fish. They are a plentiful, renewable food source for many, and energetically fold the power of renewal, abundance and faith.


✨ Ganesh, known as the remover of obstacles, is one of the most prominent deities in the Hindu pantheon . His energy will assist you in clearing your path of any emotional, energetic, or external blocks to abundance.


Abundance crystals


✨ Pyrite just exudes luscious, lavish energy, and is a potent aid for manifesting and attracting wealth. It is very protective and empowering, which is quite beneficial for fostering the energy of abundance.


✨ Citrine is one of the most powerful crystals for abundance and prosperity. It activates your solar plexus, the center of your self-esteem and personal power, while also grounding your root, making it both stabilizing and empowering. It has been called "the merchant stone" as is particularly beneficial for creators and small business owners.


✨ Moss agate is a stone of true abundance. It vibrates with the frequencies of endurance and dedication, as well as prosperity and financial abundance. It also boosts your creativity and hopefulness, both vital to a life of abundance.


✨ Aventurine is a beautiful, loving stone of good luck, prosperity, and abundance. It is strongly connected to the heart, making it a wonderful ally in working through any emotional trauma or blocks around abundance and money.


✨ Green tigers eye activates your will and drive, lovingly propelling you forward on your path to create abundance. Like aventurine, it also has a calming energy that balances out it's more energizing, strengthening qualities.


Charms and stones have been used as amulets for abundance in different cultures throughout millenia . In ancient Egypt, for example, Pharaohs often wore abundance stones as jewelry to attract abundance to their kingdoms.

They serve to lift our entire energy up to one of abundance, clear any blocks that are in the way of what we are divinely worthy of, and attract what we truly desire into our lives. Whether you want to cultivate greater abundance in our career, finances, relationships, or personal joy and pleasure, wearing charms and stones that vibrate with the energies of abundance, on a Mala or a charm necklace or bracelet, will help you to embody prosperity and elevate the vibration of your entire life to one of magnetic, creative abundance.