Celebrating Samhain

To some, October 31 is know as Halloween. To others, All Hallows Eve. In Mexico, it marks the beginning of Día de los Muertos. To witches, pagans, and others who follow similar paths, this sacred time is known as Samhain. Samhain originated as an ancient Celtic Fire Festival, and is now popularly known as "Witches New Year." Samhain is the day when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, and is focused on honoring, remembering and integrating the Dead through ritual and ceremony. Often, the Dead we honor are our ancestors, those who have passed recently, those who have gone before us and paved our way. However, it also includes all of the aspects of ourselves, our psyches, or our lives that we have released, outgrown, or let fall away. 


Seasonally, Samhain is the halfway point between the fall equinox and the winter solstice, and signals our descent into depth and darkness of winter time. It is  a time for big release and deep introspection and reflection before we continue our journey inward and prepare for our energetic hibernation. Below are two rituals that can be used to observe this sacred day.


Fire Releasing Ritual

Samhain is a beautiful time to release any outdated patterns, beliefs, ideas, or situation which are no longer serving us- and fire is one of the most powerful releasing tools there is. This Samhain, write out a list of everything you are ready to let go of- ideas, beliefs, situations, relationships, challenges, patterns, everything you can think of. Then, light that piece of paper on fire and throw it into a fireplace, fire safe pot or cauldron. As it burns to ashes, circle it clockwise and visualize everything you wrote being cleared away, carried by the smoke up into the sky to be alchemized into something new. Next, write out a list of everything you are calling in to the space you just created. You may wish to use some for of divination (such as tarot) for guidance on everything that is coming your way this next year. Keep a journal nearby to write down any emotions, thoughts, or bursts of enlightenment that come up.



Create a Samhain Ancestors' Altar

As the veil between worlds becomes ever more porous, we have an opportunity to communicate with our ancestors with more ease and openness than usual. Altars are incredible ways to physically anchor our intentions and magical practices. To create an Ancestors' Altar, gather photographs, items, or special mementos of the ancestor(s) that you wish to connect with. Then, arrange these items along with other magical items of your choosing. You may add candles (black candles are best for connecting with spirit realms), crystals (chrysocolla, petrified wood, bloodstone, amethyst, or celestite work best for this work), and herbs (rosemary for remembrance and protection and sage for wisdom and connection). 


When you want to connect with your altar, begin by offering your ancestor(s) some kind of libation (for example, if your grandmother loved chamomile tea, place a hot cup of chamomile tea on your altar) and then speak their names aloud, inviting them into your space, sending them love, and thanking them for being part of your life. Then, sit with your altar and see what comes through. You may bring up a specific issue or question, ask for guidance, or simply sit and feel their presence. You may wish to have a journal with you to keep record what comes through the veil. When connecting to spirit realms, it is important to also ground and protect yourself. Some of the best ways to do this are with protective crystals (black tourmaline, hematite, obsidian),  cast a circle of protection around yourself before beginning to connect with your altar, and burning palo santo, sage, or protective frankincense incense. 

I'd love to hear how you celebrate !

Jen Black